Five Rivers

ThumPrints Lighting

Thumprints is a specialty lamp-making company that strives to create high quality, unique and artistic lighting.

Inspired by creativity and individuality, each Thumprints lamp is designed by young Arkansas artist, Allison West.
One of the beauties of Thumprints products is that they are handmade, making them unique pieces of art. Subtle variances, such as color, texture or shape may be present. Uplights may vary in height or width as much as 2 to 3 inches. Lamps are measured from the base of the lamp to the top of the finial. The thickness of the glass and blending of colors cause no two lamps to be exactly alike. That is why we say "lamps as individual and distinctive as your thumprint."

Each Thumprints' original is personalized with a pewter lamp cord accessory displaying the Thumprints logo and artist's signature.

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